What is the Typical Timeframe for Coaching?
Even though coaching is progressive and laser focused, there is no general timeframe. Why? Each individual has varying needs, goals and desires with varying learning curves. Some clients enter coaching with specific purposes while others remain in coaching for years. It is up to the coach to help maintain a workable momentum and the client’s focus without adding pressure. New habits and systems are established along with proof of maintenance so these changes are for a lifetime. These changes, offer a balanced lifestyle which can be permanent with practice and the recognition that the gains are greater than the cost of no change.
Upon commencement of developing a coaching partnership, coach and client review and anchor your goals and desired outcomes. I will keep you reminded and focused upon these outcomes. This also includes goals that may be added as we continue. There are four learning stages for each goal realized. Clients finalize these stages once full awareness and implementation of new successful solutions have been properly utilized and maintained.
Typically, coaching agendas are set up within trimester periods (90 days), though exceptions are allowed. At the end of each trimester, progress is assessed and reviewed with the client. Here coach and client track current progress, and implement maintenance plans for those changes that had occurred.
I also offer maintenance plans once a client has been established (3 months). Here we meet less often but with a schedule. This is to help you cement your tools and systems so they become autonomous.