Lee Harbison Coaching

Expert ADHD and Executive Function Coach, CPC, PACG

Overwhelmed to Resolution

Individuals are either getting diagnosed later in life or those that have known since childhood get by, somewhat, though they remain frustrated and hard on themselves.

What to do? I help you understand the paradoxes of your ADHD, integrate strategies, tools, action steps and accountability.  I use a strength-based approach along with science-backed ADHD coaching techniques and provide neuroscience information, to get you situated with motivation, momentum and confidence both in your business and personal lives.


  • Reduce overwhelm — implement customized systems focused on prioritization and completion of projects including non-urgent tasks!

  • Learn and use various scheduling systems according to how your brain functions. Become consistent with your schedule effectively welcoming autonomy. Grasp how to determine time (including logistics), energy and emotions effectively (they are all connected).

  • Recognize what is your measurement for work/life balance. Lessen overpromising and over-scheduling immediately and comfortably.

  • Motivation: Learn and use your strengths, talents and interests (that which really drive you). Insert customized tools to tap into your motivation for those smaller tasks which are persistently avoided.

  • Break bad habits with less pain and merge habits you have always wanted,. This includes night-time and morning routines.

  • Understand how to direct your attention by using various and rotating focus-tools and environments. Limit distractions and naturally tap into your reward system.

  • Build self-reliance without rigid deadlines. Reduce anxiety and the stress-affect on your body. Use mindset techniques and gain important awareness around cost, consequences and benefits.

  • Strengthen decision-making, delegation and planning skills by applying necessary awareness and practicing certain exercises with coach. (Integrate proven ADHD strategies and tools.)

  • Improve home and work relationships by using words and phrases at established and appropriate times. Practice with coach. Coach will help you create the initial scripts and understand the timing of certain scenarios.

    (Lee is also an ADHD couples and business-partner coach.)

  • Efficaciously establish organizational systems for both work and home environments.

  • Process and learn how to transition more effectively and quickly. Plus, focus with much less frustration.

  • Recognize, reconcile and regulate emotions, learn how to resolve conflict, lessen drama and, or chaos and effectively set boundaries.

  • Navigate past the burdens of perfectionism, understand measurements that work for you and embrace self-acceptance.

  • Rid the “I cant’s,” gain evidence and the power of directing your mindset!

  • Update your communication skills for your family and colleagues, practice listening techniques.

  • Integrate neuroscience information to strengthen your foundation.

  • Insert strategies for RSD and, or HSP which includes introducing stress--reducing techniques that work for ADDers.

  • Improve your sleep, diet and exercise (your launchpad).

  • Define and meet your own expectations and goals not what you “should” do. It won’t work!

Coaching Services

  • Some individuals who have ADD/ADHD are drawn to be entrepreneurs. Why? Simple. They have the strengths and natural talents which fit the entrepreneurial model:


    -“Thinks outside the box”

    -Trend setters or idea-machines

    -Able to see the big picture

    -Problem Solvers

    -Good at building teams

    -Loves to learn

    -Leaders (at heart) Etc..

    What is needed are solid execution plans and new knowledge of how to sustain success. Consistency is a challenge along with not letting oneself become overwhelmed. ADHD strategies are key to success. We rid the blind-spots and replace them with proven solutions.

    Please note: Non-Adders also face similar challenges. One of the challenges entrepreneurs face is building a successful business without letting roadblocks and personal obstacles reign over their plan. Staying competitive, focused and enthusiastic are key to sustaining success yet overwhelm can be discouraging for some. Each area is focused upon, broken down and re-built with solid solutions and a maintenance plan.

    This program is designed to help ADHD clients with restructuring their visions, goals and business plans. It is reworking what does work for you (knowing how you function and your mind works) and reformulating those areas which you avoid. Business plans/goals/management systems, tools (from tech to constructive), schedules and customized personal solutions are weaved together to bring about success for your budding and ongoing business.

  • Streaming revenues, sturdy bottom-lines and high-morale are powerful and necessary elements for continued success. Lee Harbison assists individuals with ADD/ADHD to understand their unique thinking and overcome their obstacles. Clients learn what it is they need, such as: organization, scheduling, meeting deadlines, effectively delegate and, or work well with others. Here, clients build powerful awareness, and develop customized strategies they can use over a lifetime. Productivity, confidence and peace of mind is restored. These individuals are thereby aligned with the organization’s expectations and systemic work flow.

    Lee Harbison also assists employers and co-workers with how to work with and manage said individuals while implementing and maintaining their own productivity and expected goals. She continues to work with these parties until new systems and solutions are successfully realized and integrated.

  • Some people do well with collaborative efforts and some want to enhance their skills while communicating with others. Individuals gain support from the coach as well as each other as group harmony is encouraged. Every group is designed to help you complete your goals and walk away with new and highly effective strategies and solutions. Group coaching topics range from: overcoming procrastination, time management, understanding social cues, how to become self-empowered, and more. Individuals also have the option to begin or remain in individual coaching.

  • Reinvention is about updating who you are with your current desires, goals, needs and passions. It is about removing invisible habitual blocks, inviting clarity, discovering your power, awakening your motivation and moving beyond the mediocre, giving yourself the opportunity to evolve into the life you really want. Through coaching you will have a supportive and knowledgeable partner helping you discover your innate strengths, sharpen your skills, devise action steps and powerfully connect with your values and integrity.

    This inspiring program is for clients sitting on the precipice of change. Envisioning, exercises, brainstorming, fieldwork and self discovery all combine into a thoughtful process. Passionate focus when connected with your heart has tremendous power that is transformative.

  • You have commitments to each other. You are part of a family, business and, or have a circle of colleagues or friends in which others are affected by your relationship, not to mention yourselves. One or both of you have ADHD and it seems to be getting in the way, you think. Couples coaching is a reset. We establish goals and outcomes which both parties agree on. We discuss current obstacles or disagreements and break them down to smaller, digestible pieces of information to strategize honest movement. We identify your strengths as partners and as individuals. This will allow you to reintroduce, acknowledge and utilize them. We will break the blame habit and sharpen your communication skills so chores, projects and tasks get done. We will also practice healthy conversation examples and use, if necessary, couple-recovery exercises.

    Consultations are provided for both parties separately, but we begin together. Sometimes we will meet individually as awareness, growth and processing deem necessary. If you have further questions please use the contact page.


About Lee Harbison

Lee Harbison C.P.C., P.A.C.G is a Certified Leadership/CAREER and ADD/ADHD Coach. She is a graduate of NYU’s Coaching and Leadership Program and ADDca Academy’s Professional ADHD program. She has over 14 years experience successfully helping adults from 21 (transitioning students) -75 years old, of all professions: the arts, sciences, technological, law, academics, music, finance, real estate, entrepreneurs, Moms, Dads, or both partners at once. She also works with corporations to help their employees.

From Reinvention to Executive, Career, and ADD/ADHD Coaching, Lee Harbison is one of the few coaches who is versatile, well-rounded and highly skilled. She is known to be warm and engaging providing unique support, accountability programs and important knowledge to help you gain solutions and goals you want. ADHD or not, she helps you focus, learn and build competitive skills. She knows how to help you tap your resources, integrate what really drives you and achieve what you ultimately want. She also is known to help couples in which one or both partners have ADHD. She helps you get past those painful stuck points of blame and disappointment to arrive to a much better place.


  • “Lee is unmatched in her ability to build motivation and encourage forward momentum, both of which are fundamental to successful ADHD coaching. “

    — Sarah Jayne, RN, BSN, graduate student, mother

  • “Lee Harbison really understands ADD and understood me on a level I wasn’t used to. She got me right away and didn’t let me cave into myself. She empowered me, reminded and helped me untangle my mess. I found someone who I can count on and inspired me to believe in myself. Thank you Lee!”

    — Vice President of Sales, Software Co., San Francisco

  • “Initially, I assumed coaching was strict and advisory – not at all. Lee is a mentor, an educator who has many ideas and strategies. She helped me see my strengths and improve my skill level. She sincerely cares and goes beyond what I expected.”

    — Michelle Bouttaine, Portrait Photographer, Mother, NYC

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